Sometimes, finding your audience can be tricky business. However, there are simple ways to set up display campaigns so your network will do the heavy lifting for you.
- Start with a broad target
Starting with a broad target lets you discover where your ad performs best, and who responds the most favorably. Sometimes, the results will surprise you. After you’ve had some time to evaluate your results, you can always narrow your focus later.
- Stick with one targeting tactic
Once you have identified who you want to target, you’ll need to choose what type of targeting to employ: inventory-based or user-based. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to choose either inventory or user targeting to maximize performance and scale. Using both can be redundant and limit performance.
Additionally, since user targeting comes in many different flavors, you should stick with one type.
- Make a competitive bid
Give your ad a fighting chance. Bidding high enough will get you access to the best inventory for your campaign, which will increase your campaign’s performance.
- Use multiple creative sizes
Once your targeting is locked down, be sure to use multiple creative sizes, so your ad gets access to as many available spots as possible. It’s best to apply at least one banner per size to maximize delivery.
The most successful campaigns on networks take advantage of these basic principles, putting all our tools and insights to work for optimal results. We hope you’ll do the same.
Next Lesson: Extra Targeting - Too Much is a Good Thing?